Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in a typical session with Tonya?

Individual sessions are designed to help you work on the mental strength you bring to your riding. In a 30 minute session we will: check-in regarding your rides during the week (lessons, shows, clinics, hacks, etc.) to assess where you succeeded with your mental approach; follow-up with any sport psychology techniques you put to use; go over any ‘homework’ you did regarding written exercises; continue to develop your mental preparation routine; teach and practice new mental skills strategies as needed; plan for upcoming shows or events; trouble shoot and problem solve any unexpected issues that have cropped up.

Do I have to have a 'problem' to benefit?
No. Fixing problems or working through particular riding challenges is only a part of building your mental strength. Even the best riders in the world will tell you that they are always learning. This applies to mental skills as well as physical skills. Riders who want to excel take advantage of every tool possible to succeed – this includes mental techniques and sport psychology. It takes a team to get a horse and rider to the top, and a mental skills consultant has an important role to play.
How is mental skills training different from the teaching my trainer provides?
Your trainer teaches you how to ride your horse effectively – physical skills, position, timing, concepts and philosophy of training, horsemanship, use of aids, setting priorities and goals for the course or test, etc. A mental skills consultant does not teach you how to ride, train, or physically perform in competition.

A mental skills coach teaches performance strategies to help you effectively accomplish the skills your trainer has taught you. Mental skills training puts emphasis on the use of mental techniques in preparing for your ride as well as your focus, thoughts, and awareness during your ride.


Are phone sessions different than in-person appointments?
Phone sessions contain the same information and structure as in-person appointments. Success rates are identical. Skype sessions are an additional option.
How many sessions are recommended?
Mental skills training is a collaborative process. Typically a series of 6 – 10 weekly sessions are recommended to produce lasting results. Once a strong foundation of awareness and skills has been established, the rider may continue with periodic tune-ups or preparation for specific competitions.
Can I call from a horse show or event?
Phone sessions, email, and texts are all possible to support the rider who is away at a show. Sessions can be scheduled prior to leaving for competition, in addition to as needed appointments (based on availability).
What kind of contact is best for parents and/or trainers to have with Tonya?
For the junior rider, input from both parents and trainer(s) can provide useful information. It is valuable for Tonya to get a well-rounded picture of the rider to better assess their mental strengths and areas for improvement. For the amateur or professional rider, input from the trainer or ground person can also help Tonya isolate specific mental skills that can help the rider perform at a consistently high level.

Although Tonya maintains confidentiality regarding specific session content, the rider is always encouraged to share as much as with their parents and trainer(s) as they feel comfortable. In addition, she will give general feedback to parents when requested.

Are follow-up sessions offered after clinics?

Follow-up phone or in-person appointments are encouraged and can be a terrific way to further personalize the material covered in the group setting.

Are follow-up sessions offered after clinics?
Follow-up phone or in-person appointments are encouraged and can be a terrific way to further personalize the material covered in the group setting.